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Marjorie Mitchell
(She, Her, Hers)Copyright, Scholarly Communications, and Research Data Management Librarian
Centre for Scholarly Communication, Library Services
Other Titles: FacultyOffice: Lib 219
Office Hours: Book an Appointment
Phone: 250.807.9147
Email: marjorie.mitchell@ubc.ca

Research Summary
RDM practices which can be adapted to labs, research clusters, institutes;
faculty adoption of Research Data Management (RDM) Plans; RDM in Digital Humanities; teaching RDM to graduate and undergraduate students.
Courses & Teaching
Subject librarian for: Anthropology, Art History, Copyright, Geography (Human), Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies, Sociology, Sustainability, and Visual Arts
Schedule an appointment through QReserve
Instructions on QReserve available here
Master of Information Studies, University of Toronto
I provide copyright information to faculty, staff and students.
I provide instruction on creating sound Research Data Management Plans.
I am available for individual consultations.